When I found out that I was not only pregnant, but managing to stay pregnant (a real struggle) I went a little crazy with fabric shopping. I had PLANS, I tell you. Handmade bassinet and crib sheets, her quilt, baby clothes. But I was working 18-20 hour days for my first two trimesters and still training for half marathons and circus on the weekends. Not to mention the all day morning sickness I had up to the morning I gave birth.
So...not a lot of sewing from what is now two years ago stashed fabrics. And she's getting big enough that soon the half yard cuts I bought won't make dresses. This week's Project Run and Play theme is sewing from your stash, and I happen to keep a handful of stash fabrics out on my cutting board as "next in line" prompts. One of the pieces in my stack was a half yard of knit fabric printed all over with cats. The Puppy's first word was " cat cat", and she's obsessed, even though Harvey doesn't always appreciate the yelly, smelly (not any more), grabby (also not anymore) Puppy as much as she does him.
I've wanted to try shirring, and nothing says little girl summer like a shirred sundress. I loved mine as a kid, and she's only got one, that is more of a tunic than a dress because it's a 12 month size from last summer that I couldn't bear to give away (it's the elephant print one in the circus pictures from last week.)
This, BTW, is her expression when she is not going to move from this spot. Even a little. Because I want to climb back up the ladder over here.
The downward climb did give a good shot of the matching bloomers for underneath. She's potty training now (her choice and timing) so they can be worn over a diaper or not. I drafted them from a pair she has - one piece with just side seams. I haven't figured out the fit completely, but these are wearable and now I'll just have to tweak a little bit once she's completely out of diapers.
There was enough to make a couple of hair ties, this one I finished with a lettuce hem and ties around her pony tail. Toddler hair is so fine that everything started falling out almost as soon as I got the elastic on.
For those with an interest in history or literature, this is Lago d'Averno, thought to be the entrance to the underworld in Dante's Inferno. It's also my weekly running route - if I loop around it twice and around the smaller but less safe Lago di Lucrino I can get in a little over five miles.