The Marines keep e-mailing me like I have a marathon to run in 8 days or so. They're right, of course, but I'm not sure I apprecaite the reminder as I hack my way out of a chest cold. Better last week than next, though. I managed to run the Army Ten Miler on Sunday at nowhere near my best pace, but I spent a lot of time finding places to clear my lungs of the gunk that I was coughing up. (Pretty picture, eh? Welcome to distance running where discussion of bodily fluids seems to be inevitible.) I did a couple of trapeze lessons during the week, but hadn't made it out to run, even what has been my habitual run to work on Wednesdays thanks to a days-long deluge. So, I hauled myself out midday yesterday for a six mile run. It's finally cool enough most days to run in the afternoon again. I'll probably still do some early mornings, but daytime gives you neat views, like this one on my way back to the Pentagon.