But everyone has already figured that out. Right now I feel more over-scheduled than a high school junior who has just figured out she needs to pad her resume if she wants to get accepted to a good school. There's work, of course. That's pretty much 7:30 - 5:00 on weekdays.
Then there's volunteering - I open the community dog park twice a week, but since I do that on my morning walk, it's not really a big deal. There are, of course, the dogs themselves, since I am still fostering. My most recent pups:
Heidi was very short-term - I picked her up on Thursday afternoon and she went home with a new (pre-approved, we don't do same day adoptions,) family on Saturday afternoon. She is a big girl - about 65 lbs and needed to gain 10-15. We think Aussie mixed with a guardian dog-type like Anatolian Shepherd. Wonderful girl.
And this is Brie. She stayed with me for almost two months. Niko adored her, but then, my Niko has never met a dog he didn't like. Brie went to a home with a Stay-at-Home-Mom, a 5 year old, and a deaf canine brother - one reason she was picked is that she's so good at coming when called that she cues her new brother to come - when you live on a four acre farm, that's important! (Also, does that sound like the greatest life ever for a high energy dog, or what?)
I'm foster dog free for the moment, because there's the non-volunteer aspects of my life taking precedence right now. For one thing, the Marine Corps Marathon is ten(!) days away.
The weekend of my longest scheduled run was, predictably, while I was supposed to be away on travel. So, I made the best of it and ran 21 miles along Sydney Harbor. (This was a work trip, did I mention that my life, busy as it is, does not suck?) For real, I could retire to Australia.
Last weekend was the Army Ten Miler, which I did with a cold I caught in Australia, and so was not the best 10 miler I've had. But that's okay, because I'm supposed to be backing down a little. This Sunday is a 12 mile run, and then the big one. And ten weeks after that (give or take)...the Goofy Challenge at Disney World. That would be a half marathon on Saturday followed by the full marathon on Sunday. No, I don't know why I thought this was a good idea either.
There's trapeze (and other circus fitness stuff), Zip Zap Circus (more volunteering), travel and yeah... I need a vacation. Knitting - did a bunch on the multiple-day spanning airline trips but it was hours of stockinette in 4 ply yarn, so there's actually not much to show for it. I'm starting to think this may need to become a non-knitting blog if it's going to stay in business. For instance, I take some really cool pics when I run...