I mentioned that dogs were taking over my life, right?
When I brought Niko home, it was supposed to be just until we got him checked out by the vet, because we'd noticed his right leg didn't bend the way it should. That was the week before the Marine Corps Marathon, and my plan was to board him for the day of the race and pick him up the next day, assuming I could walk. But the day before the marathon, we were at an adoption event and another dog bumped into Niko at just the right angle and broke his leg - for what turned out to be the second time.
We did some fundraising and got him fixed. Three months of rehab and he was cleared for full activity and adoption, but I just couldn't give him up. And he wasn't really interested in other people (still isn't, actually). But that experience has made me the go-to person for this little guy:
This is Rabbit, one of the dogs rescued from the shelter right before Easter. He was limping, so they took him to a vet and it looks like he's got some similar old injuries. Probably from getting hit by a car and left on the road. So, he's hanging with me for now. We'll get him to a specialty vet and see if we can fix him up and find him a home.
The dogs get along great, although Niko is mugh higher energy than Rabbit, and is once again playing the role of pesky little brother. Even better, Rabbit doesn't chase Harvey, so he'll be a great candidate to go to a home that has cats. He's a gentle, snuggly, pup and while having him complicates my daily life, I'm so glad to be part of the team that is helping give him a new life.