This morning I blew off the planned 14 mile run with Team in Training (hey, just because I met the minimum doesn't mean you can't still donate!) to do something a little more...extreme...with some of my trapeze friends. Zorbing. Or, since that's a different brand, my friends and I technically rode "OGO Balls" downhill.
Yep, we rode downhill in giant hamster balls.
Essentially, they take a big inflatable ball and suspend it inside an even larger inflatable ball. Add a dozen gallons of cold, fresh, water and put a bunch of people inside....then roll it down a hill. Yes, another way for ski resorts to make money off their slopes during the off season. And worth every minute of the four hours of driving and the $39 cost for a day of adventures at Ski Roundtop in PA.
The eight of us gathered at the top of the hill at about noon, for a bone-dry "before" shot:
And thanks to a couple of waterproof cameras, we got some neat video and pictures through the whole process. I don't have the video, but hopefully I'll get some soon. In the meantime, this one was just before we left for ride #3.
(You can see the GoPro I was got some neat footage!)
Four runs took about two hours, but between time constraints for two of our group and the massive group of kids that arrived at the end of our fourth run, we decided to call it a day and explore the other options. The zip lines were pretty tame given the level of extreme my group is used to dealing with, but was fun anyway. Same with the canopy climbing things...not really ropes course level, but fun. We're considering a season pass for next year. We did get the completely soaked after picture...
Of course, three of us will be paying for the fun tomorrow morning...the one in the striped sports bra is running the Annapolis Marathon, the one in purple in the middle is running 18 miles (I forget what she's training for), and I'm running 14. Still totally worth it!